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You might not realize how susceptible you are to a home invasion since it has never happened to you before. However, in many cases, our locksmiths at North Brook Locksmith can often just walk up to your door and pick out plenty of things that would make your home a target for an intruder. This is because it is our job to know how to keep this from happening to you. We are well-aware of the most obvious things that a burglar would recognize, which you might not. Proper home security begins from the outside of your home and extends inside.
If you’re not concerned about your home security simply because you have never experienced a break-in doesn’t meant that you can’t ever experience one. This is exactly what a thief is banking on, your letting your guard down or in some cases, never having your guard up. Crime is always on the rise, it is rarely on its way down. This is why homeowners need to be more concerned about the safety and security of their home and family now more than ever. We know a thing or two about security and that is why many homeowners in North Brook, Illinois relies on our residential locksmith services. They don’t just contact us to replace a key or have their locks rekeyed, some actually contact us to assist them in making their home more secure.
Where to Begin
When you contact a locksmith to assist you with your security needs, the first thing that they will do is make a complete assessment of the outside of your home. They may check your windows, to see if there is a way to get inside from the widow, if there is a basement, how could a thief gain access through your basement. Do you have a garage with a door, perhaps this is an area that you never thought to put a deadbolt lock on, therefore, it would be easy for an intruder to gain access.
Do you have signage in your yard or somewhere prominently displayed on the outside of your home that would suggest that you have a security system of some type or a monitoring service. This would be of particular interest to an intruder because most will not risk being discovered due to a security system. Depending on the size of your home, a more extensive assessment of the exterior of your home might be needed and this might require more than one locksmith to make this assessment. In fact, depending on the size of your home, it will also determine how much security will be required to keep out an intruder.
How Important Are Your Locks
You may think that the most important aspect of your home security is the type of security system you have installed. While a security system is certainly necessary, especially now-a-days, it isn’t the single most important part of your home security, your locks would be the most important. This is why it is important to choose wisely. If you forget to set your alarm or if there is an outage in the area that an intruder is aware of, they can still gain access into your home if the locks are not a good, solid, durable lock. This is why we encourage our customers to invest in the best quality of locks possible, especially for exterior doors.
We often install a knob lock on exterior doors but rarely are they installed without being accompanied by a deadbolt lock. Deadbolt locks have proven to be the most efficient type of locks to keep out intruders. You may be wondering what makes them superior to other types of locks. It is because of the durable materials they are designed with and their locking mechanism. They can be placed on a door by themselves but they are generally placed on a door with an existing lock. They generally serve as an added source of security.
Keyless locks are considered high tech security. These are also becoming more popular for residential use. The keyless entry affords homeowners the opportunity to avoid having their house keys duplicated since a key will no longer be needed to enter and exit the home. A keypad will be installed and all that the person entering or exiting will need to do is input the correct code for the lock to open. It is as simple as 1-2-3!
Invest in a Security System
No matter how logical this sounds to most people, there are still plenty of homes without them. In fact, we often encourage homeowner to invest in a home security system, even if they do not have a monitoring service. You can always upgrade your system and include a monitoring service but a basic system offers security against, not only intrusion but also against fires and floods. This means they serve you for multiple reasons and are well worth the investment. There are some people who do not even have a security system but they have a decal on their front door to give the appearance of having one. In some cases this is all that an intruder has to see to avoid attempting to break into your home.
Covering All the Basis
You really do not have to break-the-bank to receive the level of home security that you require. You need the right person addressing your security needs. North Brook Locksmith has helped hundreds of homeowners get the right security for their home by consulting with them about their specific concerns. We check every inch of the homes interior and exterior so that we can develop a plan that is most suited for your family needs. Anyone that you hire to handle your home security should do the same. Making sure all the basis is covered requires and extensive evaluation of what you already have in place and how it can be improved upon. A reputable locksmith service can offer you this and more for your residential security needs.